The PPL Workout Program


Each day of this workout program is either a Pull, Push, Legs or Rest Day. For someone just starting out, we recommend the following 7 day cycle:

Pull / Rest / Push / Rest / Legs / Rest / Rest

For more advanced trainees who want more volume, we recommend a 4 day cycle:

Pull / Push / Legs / Rest

For those that want even more volume, we recommend a 7 day cycle (or if you want a perpetual pump, consider the HaramBro Split):

Pull / Push / Legs / Pull / Push / Legs / Rest

Each workout session takes about 30-60 minutes, but can be completed in about 20 minutes if you remove optional exercises and only rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Progressive overload: there are three ways to progress: add more volume, add more tension, or slow down your cadence. With Harambe System, all three options are always available to you. Between each cycle, depending on your previous performance and as described on each work day below, you might decide to progress in tension. You do this by stacking bands, or by using our Spacers and different sized ropes. Spacers increase tension, while longer ropes will decrease tension. Volume progression should be considered every 6-12 weeks, and cadence progression is a more advanced technique that can be used if you plateau with tension progression. Track your workouts using the PPL Workout Booklet.

Using the bar and platform: To see how to load bands using doubled or singled configurations click here (here is a video showing how to load a band on a bar). The rule of thumb is if the bar is above the waist, use a singled configuration. Inspect your equipment before use.

Warm-up: We recommend you do 1-2 sets of 12 reps of a light before each movement.

Cadence: More important than how fast you complete each repetition is lifting with control. Jerking cheats the force curve of the bands and should be avoided.

Keep tension: Do not let the band go slack during any movements. If you hear any noise from the band during your reps, you are losing tension.

Pull Day

Do three sets of the following exercises (for some movements variations are shown, choose one). On your first and second set, do 10 reps. On your third set, do as many reps as possible. Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.

Go to fatigue on your last set. When you can't do reps anymore, do as many partial reps as you can (but no more than 10).

Increase tension if you find yourself doing more than 20 reps on your last set, then increase the tension. Try to increase tension using the smallest increment possible (e.g., add spacers to one sling or add an orange band). If you find yourself doing more than 20 reps on your last set, then increase the tension.

If you're in a hurry, skip shrugs.

Band doubled


Band doubled


Band singled



Band doubled


FYI: The model in these movement photos is the founder of Harambe System. He built his all-natural physique using Harambe System over 2 years. Follow him on Instagram.

Push Day

Do three sets of the following exercises (for some movements variations are shown, choose one). On your first and second set, do 10 reps. On your third set, do as many reps as possible. Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.

Go to fatigue on your last set. When you can't do reps anymore, do as many partial reps as you can (but no more than 10).

Increase tension if you find yourself doing more than 20 reps on your last set, then increase the tension. Try to increase tension using the smallest increment possible (e.g., add spacers to one sling or add an orange band).

If you want more volume, add one set of push-ups to failure at the end of your session.

Band doubled

Band singled


Band doubled



Legs Day

Do three sets of the following exercises. On your first and second set, do 10 reps. On your third set, do as many reps as possible. Rest 1-5 minutes between sets. We recommend today leaning towards 3-5 minute rest times if you are not in a hurry.

Focus on volume (total number of full reps) today, not fatigue. Partials are optional. Here is a good rule of thumb: If you find that going to fatigue on earlier movements hurts volume in later movements, then don't do partial reps during earlier movements.

Increase tension if you find yourself doing more than 20 reps on your last set, then increase the tension. Try to increase tension using the smallest increment possible (e.g., add spacers to one sling or add an orange band). If you find yourself doing more than 20 reps on your last set, then increase the tension.

If you're in a hurry, skip split squats and optionally add in one or three sets of back squats.

Extra equipment: Back squats require Sapphire Ropes and are optional. If you have trouble getting into front squat position, we recommend you try Rope V2 White for front squats.

Band singled


Band doubled

Band singled


Uses cross-channel

Band doubled


Rest Day

Do one of these activities to keep your body moving. Your muscles are recovering, so don’t get too intense today:

Do one of these activities to keep your body moving. Your muscles are recovering, so don’t get too intense today: