
  1. You must sign waiver to enter.
  2. Warm-up, then pick a band.
  3. Do as many curls as you can with the band. You only get one shot at this!
  4. Earn up to 20 tickets depending on your reps and the band you picked (see below).
  5. Turn in a ticket for a chance to win a prize. You can turn in as many tickets as you want.

    Blue Kong Band - 10 ticket per rep
    Black Band - 2 tickets per rep
    Heavy Green Band - 1 ticket per 5 reps
    Light Green Band - 1 ticket per 10 reps
    White Band - 1 ticket per 20 reps
    Yellow Band - 1 ticket per 40 reps
    Women get 2x the number of tickets.